Happy New Year Beautiful Soul!

I hope you haven’t forgotten that you are a beautiful soul who came here to be yourself FULLY.

Remember that You matter.

Your essence matters and the light you brought to this world matters.

As you are reflecting on your past, the journey of last year, I hope you are harvesting the learning and you feel a nudge (or may be push) to no longer delay living your fullest life.

I am realizing with greater acuity that I only have a certain number of years here on Earth.

I have been taking greater risks with people I meet and the clients I work with. I am no longer hiding what I know, what I learned along the way and the “weird” stuff that I feel drawn to explore, such as the Akashic Records.

My spirit guides have definitely been sending me messages to start taking bolder steps and actions, so I CAN realize my fullest potentials and to be who I came here to be.

Last week a coyote unexpectedly showed up (see video below). Today a roadrunner crossed my path as I was taking a walk in the park. Both showed up in broad light.

As much as a part of me wanted to dismiss these nudges, another part of me said: “Pay attention!”

video preview

And as I am typing this note to you, an owl is making persistent sounds which are coming through my window. If you are curious what an owl represents, here is a 5 min video for your viewing pleasure. (btw...as I was viewing this video, unexpectedly, the Akashic Records were mentioned. I perceived that as another clue for me to move in that direction. Another sign. :)

video preview

Now, I’d like to turn this over to you! I’d love to support YOU in connecting with your deeper self, your Soul and the spiritual world!

If you feel ready to embark on a journey of transformation to experience more love, peace and abundance in your life, I invite to feel into these two opportunities. See which one feels best for you:

  • Private Coaching for a period of 3 months: Awaken Your Soul - A Spiritual Journey to Inner Peace and Fulfillment. (send me an email if you are interested and well set up an exploration call)

I wish you ALL THE BEST in the year 2025!

Be well.


Gayane Kulikyan

Gayane Kulikyan, MA

Helping you release stress, so you can find your inner peace and fulfillment.

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